Ideal Candidate
This course is designed for non-programmers and beginners who want to learn the basics of the PHP language. Web designers who intend to learn the basics of professional web programming and become PHP Developers.
About This Course
This training course is designed to provide beginner programmers with a solid foundation in the PHP language, this course guides you through the basics of PHP with an experiential approach, filled with numerous examples and hands-on exercises, including substantial practice in coding parts of a fully functional application. Class exercises are designed to reinforce key language concepts.
Course Duration
60 Hrs.
At course completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the syntax and structural elements of PHP
- Know how to correctly apply the various control-flow structures
- Understand PHP data types, type-juggling, and operator precedence
- Organize code into reusable functions
- Accomplish tasks using PHP's wealth of built-in file system and array functions
- Understand essential elements of HTTP such as cookies and sessions
- Understand the basics of validating input and escaping output
- Build forms to collect information from a user
- Interact with a database using PHP's MySQL functions
- Create database-driven web applications similar to the course applications
- Leverage object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques in your applications
- Understanding the security features in PHP.
Course Outline
PHP Basics
Syntax, Operators, Variables, Control Structures, Language Constructs and Functions, Namespaces, Extensions, Config, Performance/bytecode caching .
Arguments, Variables, References, Returns, Variable Scope, Anonymous Functions, closures, Type Declarations
Object-oriented Programming
Instantiation, Modifiers/Inheritance, Interfaces, Return Types, Autoload, Reflection, Type Hinting, Class Constants, Late Static Binding, Magic (_*) Methods, Instance Methods & Properties, SPL, Traits
Configuration, Session Security, Cross-Site Scripting, Cross-Site Request Forgeries, SQL Injection Remote Code Injection, Email Injection, Filter Input, Escape Output, Encryption, Hashing algorithms File uploads, PHP Configuration, Password hashing API
Databases & SQL
SQL, Joins, Prepared Statements, Transactions, PDO
Data Format & Types
XML Basics, SimpleXML, XML Extension, Webservices Basics, SOAP, JSON, DateTime , DOMDocument
Associative Arrays, Array Iteration, Array Functions, SPL, Objects as arrays, Casting
Strings & Patterns
Quoting, Matching, Extracting, Searching, Replacing, Formatting, PCRE, NOWDOC, Encodings
Web Features
Sessions, Forms, GET and POST data, Cookies, HTTP Headers, HTTP Authentication, HTTP Status Codes
Files, Reading, Writing, File System Functions, Streams, Contexts
Error Handling
Handling Exceptions, Errors, Throwables