Ideal Candidate
Mobile app developers, web developers, and software engineers might need to know Java to create and maintain their products. Java is less intuitive and more complex than other web development languages like Python, so it’s better to start elsewhere if you’re new to programming.
About this Training
This training course will give you hands-on experience of configuring and deploying different framework -based Java web apps, delivered by our expert Java instructors.
Course Duration
At Course completion
By the end of this course, you will have learnt:
Learn to build enterprise applications that are scalable, mobile, secure and robust and a responsive Java web applications with full Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Object Relational Mapping (ORM) capabilities.
Course Outline
- Introduction to Java
Design goals of java (features)
Java basics :Variables, Data types, Operations, Branching Statements, Looping Statements, Enhanced for loop, Strings, Arrays.
- Strings & OOPS
Introduction to Strings:String Functions, Formatting Operator
Chases / Objects :Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, polymorphism, Class Fundamentals, Objects, Instantiating an Object from its class, Introducing methods, Access Modifiers, Instance of Operators, Equals and equal, toString method, Wrapper class, Auto-boxing of Primitive types, Static keyword, Enumerated Types, Abstract classes, final keyword, Interfaces, this keyword, super keyword, this method(), super method()
- Functions,Modules & Exceptions
Functions: Function Implementation, Function Arguments, Anonymous Function, Function return, Scope of variables.
Modules: Modules, import statement
Exception Handling :Exceptions using: try-catch, throw, throws by with multiple catch, User defined Exception
- Collections,Files & Thread
Collections: Generic class, Collection Api, List, Set, Map, Generic Set, List, Map, Wild card Type Parameter, Iterator.
Files: Byte Streams (Input Streams, Output Streams), Character Stream (Reader, Writer), Buffered Streams Byte Stream Class, FileInputStream & FileOutputStream, BufferedInputStream & BufferedOutputStream, DataInputStream & DataOutputStream, Object Input & Output Stream, Serialization Character Stream Class, FileReader & FileWriter, BufferedReader & BufferedWriter, StringReader & StringWriter, PipedWriter & PipedReader, Write to Standard Output, Read from Standard Input, Create a new file, File Stream I/O operations
Thread: Thread Operations in java, Multithreading in java, Synchronization Different thread methods, inter-thread communication methods, dead-lock.
- Database
RDBMS: Normalization, Sql Queries, DML, DDL, DCL, join operations
Database Access: MySql Queries, jdbc, JDBC API concept, JDBC API Overview, Product Components of JDBC, JDBC Architecture, Layers Of The JDBC Architecture, JDBC Drivers, DriverManager Class, Understanding Datasource and Connection Object, Prepared Statement, ResultSet
- Web Development & Project Development Phase-I
HTML: Introduction to web, SDLC, UML, HTML vs XML, HTML-5.
CSS: CSS Selectors and Properties, Inline, Internal and External Style Sheets, Box Model.
XML: Working with XML Tags.
JavaScript :Variables Operators and regular expression, Control Statements, Function pop-up boxes, Exception Handling String and Date Functions, Form Submission using JavaScript, Accessing document elements CSS with JavaScript, Form validation using JavaScript.
jQuery :Introduction to jQuery, jQuery effects, jQuery Selectors, jQuery image sliders menus, etc
Bootstrap: Introduction, bootstrap jumbutton, bootstrap-button, bootstrap-table, bootstrap-for, bootstrap-alert, bootstrap-badges and labels, bootstrap-panels, bootstrap-image, bootstrap-dropdown, bootstrap-list-group, bootstrap-navbar, bootstrap-inputs, bootstrap-modals, bootstrap-popover, bootstrap-scroll-spy.
- Web Development & Project Development Phase-II
SERVLET: Introduction to web Applications, Web Application Structure, CGI, Advantages of servlet, Handling life cycle events , Initializing a servlet, HttpServlet and Generic Servlet, getting information from requests, Constructing responses, working concept of servlet containers, introduction to Deployment Descriptor, different service methods, Service Config Object, Servlet Context Objects, Servlet Request and Response Objects, RequestDispatcher and sendRedirect, Encode URL, QueryString Filter & Filter Config Interface, Servlet with Annotation, Servlet with Database(JNDI)
JSP: Introduction to web Applications, Web Application Structure,, Advantages of JSP over Servlet, JSP architecture, Life Cycle of a JSP, JSP syntax and semantics, JSP Scriplet tag, Introduction to JSP tags and Directives, JSP Implicit Objects Using Beans in JSP, Introduction to java-Beans, JSP Action tags, JSP: include page, JSP-Database Connectivity, Introduction JavaScript, HTML pages with JSP Action Concept, Exception Handling in JSP, Expression Language n JSP
AJAX: AJAX introduction, AJAX with JSP