Ideal Candidate
Our AngularJS training course is aimed at Web Developers who want to use AngularJS to its fullest potential, in order to develop, test and deploy Single-Page Applications using Angular and related technologies. Students should have working experience of web development with HTML and JavaScript. Object oriented programming experience would be useful but is not assumed nor mandatory.
About This Course
AngularJS training course aims to impart core skills of using AngularJS to create rich and user friendly web applications with the help of various tools, directives, filters, routes, and services. AngularJS is an open source web app framework managed by Google to address challenges encountered while developing single page apps. This course also teaches many app development features such as data binding, routing, form validation, scope management
Course Duration
70 Hrs.
At course completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Code an AngularJS Single Page Application from scratch
- Build an awesome User Interface
- Create and bind controllers with JavaScript
- Perform CRUD functions using Forms
- Integrate and enhance Angular applications with other useful JavaScript libraries such as Node.js
Course Outline
Introduction to AngularJS
What it is and why you should use it,Obtaining and installing AngularJS
Core AngularJS Concepts
Single-Page Applications, Bootstrapping with ng-app Directives, Templates, Repeaters, Data Binding
Your first AngularJS project
Tool Dependencies, Installing Node.js, npm Scripts, Managing your Source Code
AngularJS MVC
MVC Design Pattern, Models, Views, Controllers , Scope, Inversion of Control / Dependency Injection, with AngularJS
Data Binding in AngularJS
Passing Data from a Controller to a View, Feeding HTML inputs back to the Controller, Retrieving data from the server, The Angular $digest Cycle, Debugging Data Bindings, …using AngularJS Batarang, …using browser console log
AngularJS Forms
The Form Controller, Form Submission, AngularJS form validation, Debugging Form validation, Angular's form validation CSS classes
AngularJS Filters
Using AngularJS Filters, Out-of-the-box and custom Angular filters
AngularJS Directives
Consolidating HTML with a Directive, Scope, Templates, Parameters, Functions – Link and Compile, Complex directives, Communicating between directives
AngularJS Services
Defining Services, Consolidating shared code, Using Services to share common data, Building our own Services
AngularJS Routing
Improving the User Experience with Routing, Routing Modules, ngRoute:ngRoute and ui-router, $routeProvider, The $route service, Nested Routing
TDD and Unit Testing with AngularJS
Separation of Concern, TDD with Jasmine, ngMock tests, Testing Controllers, Testing Filters, Testing Directives
End-to-End Testing AngularJS Applications
Karma Test Runner, Protractor Test Runner, Testing with Selenium
AngularJS Security
AngularJS security Worst Practices – Injection Attacks, XSS, CSP, JSON, Handling Authentication / Logins, ngSanitize