Ideal Candidate
Java developers who are looking to utilize the Framework to perform powerful Object Relational Mapping activities and query databases using Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
Java developers with experience of developing web applications, looking to exploit the features and capabilities of the Spring & Struts Framework.
You should be comfortable with the topics in our Intro Java Programming training course or have similar experience, with at least 6 months’ solid Java coding experience.
About this Training
This training course will give you hands-on experience of configuring and deploying different framework -based Java web apps, delivered by our expert Java instructors. Hibernate is often found in the wild alongside the Spring framework, where together they are able to deliver responsive Java web applications with full Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Object Relational Mapping (ORM) capabilities.
Course Duration
At Course completion
By the end of this course, you will have learnt:
Learn to build enterprise applications that are scalable, mobile, secure and robust and a responsive Java web applications with full Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Object Relational Mapping (ORM) capabilities.
Course Outline
HibernateIntroduction, Advantages of hibernate framework, Hibernate Architecture, Elements of Hibernate Architecture, Hibernate with Annotation, Generator classes in Hibernate hbm.xml, cfg file, Hibernate Sessions, Defining the Hibernate Mapping rules, Storing and retrieving Java Objects. Hibernate SessionFactory, Persistent objects and collections, Hibernate Transaction ConnectionProvider, Obtaining a SessionFactory.
Working with HQL, work with Entity Framework, Hibernate Mapping Files, Hibernate Persistent Class, Hibernate Inheritance Mapping, Hibernate O/R, Mappings, Hibernate Interceptors, Hibernate Query Language, Hibernate Native SQL, from clause, where clause, etc.
StrutsMVC pattern, Model-I, Model-II architecture, POJO pattern, Filter dispatcher, Interceptors, OGNL, Value Stack, Feature of Struts.2, Actions, Action support classes, Action Invocation, Results, Result Type, Action based application, Tag Libraries in Struts, struts-tag, Form tag, Non-Form tags, tree, div, action message, actionerror Data tags , Control Tags, AJAX tags, Interceptors, Interceptor stack, Interceptor execution order, struts default xml
SpringsAdvantages of SPRING framework, Spring framework Modules, Installations of Spring Framework, Examples of IOC containers, Bean Factory, Application Context, Dependency Injection, Spring Framework, Different ways to perform dependency Injection in spring Framework, Constructor Injection with Collection, Dependency Injection By setter, Setter Injection with Collection, Difference between Constructor and setter injection, Concepts of Auto wiring in Spring Framework
Spring AOP:Basics of Spring, Aspect Oriented Programming, Spring AOP DTD, Spring AOP Aspect J Annotation, Spring AOP Aspect J XML Configuration, Spring JDBC, JDBC Template Example, Prepared Statement, ResultSetExtractor, Row Mapper, Named Parameter, Spring Web ORM, Spring With Hibernate, Spring With JPA, SpEL