Ideal Candidate
Course Duration
120 Hrs
About This Course
Module 1: Introduction to CAD,CAE and CAM
- Introduction to AutoCAD
- Exploring the AutoCAD interface
- File management
- Basic Commands
- Setting the Unit and Limits
- Co-ordinate Entry Methods
- Drafting Settings
- Direct Distance Entry Method
- Drawing commands in AutoCAD
- Object selection Methods
- Modifying Commands in AutoCAD
Module 2:Text Style
- Text - Mtext
- Spellcheck
- Layers and Dimensions: Creating layers- Layer properties
- About dimensioning tools
- Constraints-Inquiry
- CAD standards
- Hatch and Gradient
- Wipeout
- Blocks
- Write Block
- Dynamic Blocks
- Attributes
- Tool Paletts
- Purge -Design centre
- Xref
- Xclip
- XBind
- group
- ungroup
- Hyperlink
- OLE object
- ETransmit
- Publish to Web
- ISometric Drawings
- Layout
- Sheetset Manager
- Drawing Templates
- Model space
- Paperspace
- Plotting
Module 3: 3D Coordinate system
- Wireframe Modeling
- Solid modeling : Standard primitives
- Extended Primitives
- Visual Style
- Boolean operation
- Surface Modeling: Standard Primitives
- Extended Primitives
- Solid Editing
- Surface Editing
- Working with Materials
- Working with Lights
- Rendering